Catálogo Público
Goddard, Jerome.

Public health entomology / Jerome Goddard. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2013. - xix, 210 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"Increasing problems of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, brought about, at least in part, by vectors fueled by increased worldwide travel and commerce, make this a highly timely book for anyone in the public practice of medical and veterinary entomology, including entomologists, public health officials, and pest control technicians and managers. Employing a reader-friendly style with bulleted texts, scenarios, and case history boxes, it targets the major vectors and pests of medical and public health importance, addresses regulatory and academic medical entomology, and discusses disease vector control with worldwide application"--

9781439848814 (hardback : acidfree paper)


Insects as carriers of disease.
MEDICAL / Infectious Diseases
MEDICAL / Veterinary Medicine / General
SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Zoology / Entomology

RA639.5 / .G63 2013

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