Dudley, Mary H.

Death and accident investigation protocols / Mary H. Dudleym M.D. - ix, 128 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.)

Includes index.

"This resource, Accident and Death Investigations Protocol, is written to assist the MLD in their daily duties to provide forms to assist them in their investigation for most common types of deaths that occur in their jurisdiction. The CD provides a practical format, organized alphabetically to assist the MLD in data collection at the death scene. The checklist provides a template to aid in data collection of scene investigation, measurements, and questions to ask witnesses regarding the death. The CD format also provides the opportunity for the MLD to modify the forms and all data specific information, ie; office logo, unique to their needs and investigation practices"--

9781466556881 (paperback)

Forensic pathology--Forms.
LAW / Forensic Science.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Disasters & Disaster Relief.

614/.1 D844d